
Sunday, July 20, 2008


We have the Zinnias in our backyard garden (which Russ hates because he thinks they look "weedy" and I will never admit that I kind of agree). They kind of overtake everything around them. They're hip-high and have covered up the Canna bulbs and the Senise I planted earlier in the season (there was no trace of last years zinnias returning).
This morning, before my coffee, I walked out there and cut some to make a bouqet for us to enjoy . I might as well appreciate them on the inside too, huh? It's so pretty (and I'm nowhere near a flower-arranger)!!

I think the end result is worth the "weedy" look.


Boyz3Mommy said...

girl, i am diggin' mine. i'm able to enjoy fresh flowers at least once or twice a week. love love love 'em!

queenoftheboys said...

what a green thumb you have...they are beautiful!