
Monday, December 29, 2008

Out With the Old

My email inbox is out of control. At this moment there are 3,564 messages in it. 631 of those haven't even been opened. AAAAAAH! Recipes I requested, sales I missed, recipes shared, emails I replied my head, but never actually typed the words (sorry, friends!)

I want to delete my entire inbox to start 2009. Aaaah, I felt relief just saying it.

I don't want to lose pictures or recipes, those are the things I'll have to save or print. Other things I'm worried about are address book updates. I can ask for those again without being a nuisance, right?

I think "empty inbox" has been on my To Do list for over a year now. January 1, 2009 is the day I actually do it AND cross it off my list.

UPDATE: There are now 3,566 emails in my inbox!


rachael... said...

Wow...remind me not to communicate anything too important to you by email! ;)

sunshine said...

you mean you don't want to read them in alphabetical order like you listen to your cd's??? :-) Love you!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness. I have 5 messages in my Inbox right now. That is the max I will keep at any given moment. Don't even tell me how many are on your Lotus Notes account!

xoxo me

Melissa said...

Scratch that. I now have 1 lone email in my Inbox.

You best get to deleting!

Boyz3Mommy said...

Okay, I have 1500 plus, and I thought I was the most horrible of all. WHAT are you, Ms. Organized, doing with that many in your inbox?

mbc said...

mkv, you are my hero! :-)