
Friday, January 20, 2012

40 Sucks?

Well, many wonderful ladies I know have joined the 40 club.  I admire them all for many reasons and think that turning 40 is a good thing.  I think it's an amazing time in life and I'm knockin' on 40's door.  My best friend since 7th grade turned 40 this month and I saw this cute idea on Pinterest.

I'm not crazy about the black balloons, Over the Hill, "this is awful" mentality of a new decade.  So.....I made it better by adding 40 memories/moments to make her smile.  To make it special, fun, and not "black."  I was proud of myself and the idea AND the way it turned out!!

Happy 40th Tina Mofina!  Here's to 40 more....and then some.  I love you!!